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How to succeed on YouTube - Tips for new creators
Cora Music BlogHow to succeed on YouTube - Tips for new creators
Learn more about how to optimize your videos and kickstart your career on YouTube as a new creator.

YouTube is one of the biggest platforms for video content, continually evolving as a creative hub for those wanting to share their lives, hobbies, and passions with others. Today, even with just a mobile camera, you can lay the foundation for a future career, although it requires time and dedicated effort.

According to data from Svenskarna och Internet, in 2023, 8 out of 10 Swedes used YouTube, with more than half accessing the service weekly and just over a third using it daily. Every day, users around the world upload over 500 hours of video, showing YouTube's significant role in video consumption among all types of audiences.

How to succeed on YouTube

Michelle Kadir, Head of YouTube Sweden, shares in this article from Nyheter24 that success on YouTube comes from being creative, daring to experiment with different video formats, and maintaining some patience. Your viewers will come if they can see your passion for your content and videos.

Nowadays, you don’t even need expensive camera equipment. Despite competing with large media companies equipped with huge budgets and sophisticated gear, you can easily manage with just a smartphone and simple, free video editing software. For tips on easy-to-use video editing programs for beginners, check out this article from us.

Looking ahead, a career on YouTube is absolutely within your reach. To give you a great start, keep in mind these three essential tips:

  • Engage with your audience. by responding to comments and showing appreciation for their interaction with your content and videos.
  • Post consistently. It’s important to regularly provide new content, which encourages viewers to return to your channel.
  • Find your niche. within your passion. Whether it’s baking perfect sourdough bread or showing you crafting worlds in Minecraft, showcase what you love doing. On YouTube, there’s an audience for every kind of video.
Here are some additional basic tips on how to succeed on YouTube.

Choosing the right music for your videos

An important aspect that can help you and your videos make an impact on viewers is the choice of music in your videos. It's the music, along with your specific content, that creates emotions and largely influences how a video is received by your viewers.

Add a nostalgic feel with the song "Forever Young" by Tomas Stenström or the song "Mormor" by Dina Ögon for a more dreamy vibe in the video. Or maybe this beautiful "Outro" by Eric Gadd for ending a sequence? The possibilities are endless and you're the final creator of it. 

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