Discover the perfect music theme for your video
Finding the right music has never been easier. Explore our handpicked themes, simplifying the music search for you as a video creator.
80s & 90s retro blast
60 songs
Ambient Atmospheres
52 songs
Autumn gold
28 songs
Cut to the BEAT
58 songs
Chill vibes
72 songs
Christmas time
59 songs
44 songs
34 songs
Epic adventure tracks
51 songs
Family Vlog
29 songs
Fashionable flair
38 songs
Female Acoustic Vibes
23 songs

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During this period, you're free to download and use as many songs as you like in your videos. Once uploaded, they remain permanently cleared on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.
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Foodie rhythms
33 songs
Gaming grooves
27 songs
Hallelujah moment
33 songs
Indie film finds
44 songs
Jingles & Bumpers
57 songs
Instrumentals only
75 songs
Kids favourites
49 songs
LoFi vibes
31 songs
Love is all you need
54 songs
Love is the word
46 songs
Maestro's Classic Melodies
39 songs
Mindful melodies
63 songs
Moments of defeat
56 songs
Mystery and suspense scores
67 songs
Nature's playlist
47 songs
Mystic North
29 songs
Piano focus
84 songs
Retro rewind tunes
35 songs
The music your videos always deserved.
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Start with a 30-day free trial period.
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